We are
conditioned to believe that
people are overweight
because they have bad eating
habits. While that may be
true at its most basic form,
the reality is that the
causes of obesity are as
varied as the people it
affects. Furthermore, that
basic form implies willpower
failure on the part of the
sufferers, which may not be
true at all or at least be a
secondary condition at best.
The basic form also implies
that obesity results from
regular intakes of excess
calories, which are then
stored in the body as fat:
Eat less, lose weight- every
diet's mantra. This equation
can be deceptively simple,
though, because it doesn’t
take into account the
multitude of factors that
affect what we eat, how much
we exercise, and how our
bodies process all this
energy. A complex web
surrounds a basic problem.
At this point, I like to ask
you to pause and study the
above graphics. Do you
notice that behavior, the
very basic form, is outside
of the sphere? It is because
its role is far less
significant compared to the
other factors.
Look again! The genetic
factor stands out at the
top. You may think that
because you have obese
family members, you are
doomed with this destiny.
Not so!
The chances are that there
are physiological and
metabolic factors that cause
you to eat more and/or
retain more calories.
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